Friday, May 27, 2011

### Benefits of Health Protection Plus...........

### Benefits of Health Protection Plus...........
Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB).
A daily benefit is payable in case the insured is hospitalized due to either accidental body injury or sickness. The quantum of benefit depends upon the level of cover opted.
Initial Daily Benefit (IDB)*#
Principal Insured
*The Applicable Daily Benefit. IDB is applicable during the first year of risk cover. The daily benefit will increase @5% simple p.a. of the IDB on each policy anniversary until it hits a cap of 1.5 times the initial benefit.IDB of the spouse cannot exceed the Principal Insured’s IDB; IDB of the children cannot exceed the spouse’s IDB.The initial HCB must be in multiples of Rs. 50.
#Initial daily benefit that is payable in respect of stay in a non-ICU room or ward. In case the insured is required to stay in the ICU of a hospital, an enhanced rate of daily benefit is payable, which is twice the eligible daily cash benefit.
2. Major Surgical Benefit (MSB). In the event of the insured undergoing one of the major surgeries defined in the Annexure I, a lump sum benefit (regardless of the actual costs incurred) equivalent to the percentage of the sum assured mentioned against that surgery will be payable on providing proper proof of surgery to the satisfaction of the corporation.
3. Domiciliary Treatment Benefit (DTB).
The Principal Insured can claim an amount equivalent to the actual expense he or she has incurred in respect of any domiciliary treatment or to meet the medical expenses incurred over and above the hospital cash/major surgical benefits in respect of either oneself or the others insured under the policy.

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