Saturday, May 23, 2009

### LIC's Health Protection Plus plan (902).......

  • Health is a major concern on everybody?s mind these days.
  • With sky rocketing medical expenses, the possibility of any illness leading to hospitalization or surgery is a constant source of anxiety unless the family has actively provided for funds to meet such an eventuality.
  • Most families rarely provide for healthcare, and even if they do, it is grossly inadequate.
  • Given this scenario, LIC has launched LIC?s Health Protection Plus plan, a unique long term health insurance plan that can combine health insurance covers for the entire family (husband, wife and the children) ?
  • Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB) and
  • Major Surgical Benefit (MSB) along with a ULIP component (investment in the form of Units) that is specifically designed to meet Domiciliary Treatment Benefit (DTB) / Out Patient Department (OPD) expenses for the insured members.

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