Saturday, May 23, 2009

*** LIC's Health Protection Plus Plan (902)....

Addition of New Members:
  • It is important for the Principal Insured (the person taking the policy) to decide which of the existing family members are to be covered and include them at the beginning (proposal stage) itself. Eligible existing family members cannot be added at a later stage. New members can however be added under the following three situations.
  • Situation
    When to include?
    The cover starts from
    Marriage/remarriage of the Principal insured after taking the policy
    Within one year from the date of marriage
    The following policy anniversary
    A Child born or Legally adopted child less than 3 months after taking the policy
    Health Cover starts from the policy anniversary falling immediately after the child completes 3 months
    Legally adopted child is more than 3 months old
    From the policy anniversary falling after date of adoption
    The new members will be eligible for the cover only if they satisfy the conditions of minimum premium and benefits.
    New members must be included by the Principal Insured only. No new members will be allowed after the death of the principal insured.

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